Nail psoriasis and skin, psoriasis on the head of the causes, stages, treatment

Psoriasis is a noncommunicable chronic disease in most cases affects the skin (rarely – nail plates, the scalp). Appears excessively dry, red spots, protruding slightly above the surface of the skin (papules). Merge the papules form plaques, which are sources of chronic inflammation.

psoriasis in the hands

Psoriasis is approved or not?

Answering the question, the psoriasis is contagious or not, we must understand that the disease is not transmitted nor the sexual, nor the air or contact or in any other way. To catch it is impossible.

Due to the violation of the exfoliation process, dead skin flakes appear on the body dry areas. Die of them it is impossible, but patients experience serious psychological distress because of its appearance.

Causes of psoriasis

Still not precisely determined, which occurs in psoriasis. There are different theories about the development of the disease. Experts tend to believe that the defeat of the skin and of the nails can cause:

  • stress, negative emotional experiences;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • the genetic predisposition;
  • the failure of the immune system, which violates the processes of growth and division of epithelial cells.

Autoimmune the cause of psoriasis is that the immune cells are T-helpers and T-killers, normally responsible for protecting the body of the tumor cells, pathogenic viruses and bacteria begin to penetrate the upper layers of the skin. Here they produce substances that activate the inflammatory process. As a result, the skin cells begin to intensely divide and multiply. There is a proliferation.

The development of psoriasis and, possibly, by the combined action of various factors from the following list:

  • Very thin and poorly moisturized skin (sebum produced little).
  • Frequent contact with irritating compositions – the low quality of cosmetic products, alcohol solutions of detergents.
  • Too frequent washing of the body, the hands (especially if you use hard cloth and mild soap or antibacterial/shower gel).
  • The abuse of alcohol.
  • The development of infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, fungi.
  • Taking anti-depressants, lithium carbonate, beta blockers, antimalarial and anticonvulsant drugs.
  • Change of the climatic zones.
  • Mechanical injury to the skin.
  • The tendency to allergic reactions.
  • The infection by HIV.

Classification of the disease

If you study various pictures of psoriasis in the initial phase, there will be noticeable differences – there are several varieties of this dermatological disease. Depending on the site of the fault is:

  • Psoriasis of the scalp (manifested by itching bleeding of the skin).
  • Nail psoriasis (nail plate is separated from the bed slowly and becomes painful, he formed red spots).
  • Palmar-plantar psoriasis (a disease prevalent only in the feet and/or palms).
  • The skin of psoriasis (dry plates appear in different parts of the body).
  • Psoriasis Arthropathy (diseased joints).
  • Genital psoriasis (a skin disease that covers the genitals).

Clinical forms of psoriasis:

  1. Ordinary or vulgar. Appears flat rose-red papules of small size, a little rise above the health of the skin. At the top of the papule is covered with the light of the stairs, which begin to fall away, even with a light touch. If the psoriasis treatment started late, the small lesions will be merged in a big way.
  2. Exudative. More common in people with obesity, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetics. Symptoms of psoriasis the form of the following: papules are of a bright red colour, at the top of them they become yellow-gray scales. Plate amazing skin folds – armpits, the area under the Breasts of women. The patients complain of itching, burning.
  3. Actinic. Psoriasis observed in the head, behind the ear, nasolabial folds, between the shoulder blades, on the chest. The boundaries of the spots are no different. Peeling silvery-yellow. If you look at photos of psoriasis on the head, any Association with this common fungal disease like dandruff.
  4. Palmar-plantar. The disease occurs in people aged 30 to 50 years, whose work involves heavy physical work. In this form there may be rashes in the body.
  5. Pustular. On the body are formed pustular elements. In medicine to assign additional resources types of pustular forms of psoriasis Tsumbush. Is idiopathic (primary) - appear in the skin of bubbles that transformirovalsya in pustules. The pustules are open and dry. Later appear typical of the disease scaly rash. Secondary and benign. In this case, the pustules are produced on the surface of a typical psoriatic plaques due to the irritating action of the drugs.
  6. Another type of pustular forms of psoriasis Barbera. It only affects the soles and palms. The skin rendered purulent pustules. Not to disclose, they become dry, dark brown. Psoriasis Barbera is characterized by symmetrical lesions.
  7. Arthropathy (joint). A severe form. In patients who have skin rashes. Usually occurs after five to six years after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, if the treatment of psoriasis, was illiterate. Pathology of the joints can be different, ranging from not serious arthralgia that does not lead to changes in the articulating device, ending the deforming ankylosis (the joint is totally fixed).
  8. Psoriatic erythroderma. It is a consequence of the vulgar or exudative psoriasis. It affects almost all of the skin. It gets red, adorned with a large number of dry scales. The temperature of the body rises, there is an increase of lymph nodes (especially the inguinal and femoral). If the patient does not know how to treat the psoriasis is possible hair loss, brittle nails.

According to the criterion of seasonal recurrences of the psoriasis can be divided into:

  • summer;
  • winter (most common);
  • uncertain.

The symptoms of psoriasis

Since the dominant symptoms of psoriasis depends on the treatment, so that at the first appointment, the doctor performs a thorough examination of the patient thoroughly studied the localization of psoriatic lesions.

Often the disease appears in the winter. In the summer, under the influence of the solar radiation, the signs of psoriasis may disappear altogether. However, when the "summer" form of the disease, the exposure to the sun, on the contrary, should be avoided. In the period of exacerbation of the patient complains of very severe itching. The defeat of nail plates observed in 25% of patients.

When the disease of the hair of the scalp is not involved in the pathological process. First it begins to remove the skin. With time, the areas of the lesions can be "displaced" on the neck, behind the ears. The inflammatory process due to the very rapid division of queratinòcits..

Psoriasis of the palms and soles stratum corneum is thick and covered with deep cracks. Photos of psoriasis in the initial phase shows vesicles with clear content. Later they become white and turn into dark scars.

As for nails, the most common two types of defeat:

  • The nail becomes covered with holes that look like track marks (such as"thimble").
  • The nail changes color and starts to flake that resembles a disease fungal. Through the nail plate varies psoriatic papule surrounded by a border of red.

Stages of psoriasis

Despite the fact that still some debate about what is psoriasis and what may cause its appearance, the stage of the disease, have been studied. Three of them:

  1. Progressive (primary). On the surface of the skin growths appear in the form of rash, which tends to increase in the periphery. Apply to healthy skin and form oval or rounded plaques. The spots are pink or red. Scaly bark on them still only whitish scales. The edges of the bags are a little condensed. As a result of striped appear more rashes.
  2. Stationary. Occurs within one to four weeks after the first symptoms of psoriasis. Plates to be lighter. New eruptions do not appear, the former gradually dissolves. Notes from the healing of the papules in the management of the centre to the edges, so that its shape becomes a circle. All of the surface of the healing of the lesions covered with white scales.
  3. Regression (wet). The colour of psoriatic plaques is virtually indistinguishable from the healthy skin. Minimizes the itching. Around the centers to form a "neck Voronova", which is a ring of thick keratinized layers of the skin. If the patient uses quality ointment of psoriasis, the stage of regression lasts approximately one month. Otherwise, the process of "attenuation" can take up to six months.

The task of the patient, who was diagnosed with psoriasis all the time to keep the disease in remission.

If you experience similar symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. It is easier to prevent disease than to deal with the consequences.

How is the diagnosis of psoriasis


The diagnosis of psoriasis dermatologist. The procedure is based on an external inspection, evaluation of the skin and nails, the study focus. There is more evidence of the apparent symptoms are not assigned. If you have problems with the diagnosis, a sample of the skin with an inflammation of the area (biopsy), which is studied in the laboratory.

When the complaints of pain in the joints is x-rays. It is also assigned to a blood test to verify the absence of other types of arthritis. To exclude fungal infection test is performed with the use of potassium hydroxide.

How to cure psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is complex. Includes:

  • a common therapy;
  • local therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Before determining how to treat the psoriasis, the dermatologist determines the stage of the disease and its clinical distribution process. When assigning drugs takes into account the age of the patient and the presence of comorbidities. Typically first selected the safest healthcare drugs, which is characterized by minimal side effects. If you do not provide for the transition of psoriasis in the phase of regression, the treatment is carried out.

Systemic medicines for psoriasis

Medications taken by mouth, help for the moderate and severe stages of psoriasis. These include:

  • Derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids). Reduce the rate of ripening of queratinòcits.. Normalize the differentiation and maturation of the cells.
  • Immunosuppressants. Reduce the activity of T-lymphocytes, causing an increase of cell division of the epidermis.
  • Drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors. Inhibit the reproduction and abnormal growth of the skin cells.

Physical therapy in psoriasis

Physiotherapy will significantly improve the health of patients with psoriasis. In some cases allow you to completely abandon the drug. Most often used:

  1. Selective phototherapy. The affected skin is irradiated with UV rays, with a wavelength of 280-320 nm. Assigned 15 to 35 procedures.
  2. Photochemotherapy (therapy PUVA). The method involves the shared use of the photosensitizer inside and long-wave UV radiation externally. UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, and the photosensitizer blocks the process of DNA synthesis of the cells of the skin, reduces their rate of division. Length of course – 20 to 30 procedures.
  3. Laser therapy. Applying laser radiation with different wavelength. Laser offers fast resorption of plaque, prevents the formation in its place of scars.
  4. The use of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation. Each home alternatively process tube/laser source of UV radiation. The health of the skin is not affected. The method is optimal, if the affected less than 10% of the skin. The duration of treatment is from 15 to 30 sessions.
  5. Electrosleep. It turns out that the gentle effect of electrical impulses to the brain for 20-60 minutes. As a result, the patient calms down, normalizes the Central nervous system, psoriatic plaques are starting to dissolve.
  6. ULTRASONIC therapy. Is decongestants, anti-itching and painkillers. Accelerates the resorption of scarring. If necessary, it can be combined with phonophoresis. In order to achieve a therapeutic effect it is necessary to carry out the 7 to 14 sessions.
  7. The magnetic therapy. Has a General revitalizing effect on the body. Reduces inflammation, reduces itching and burning, helps relieve the pain in the joints.
  8. Bee venom therapy. Use of the apparatus of the electrophoresis or ultrasound introduced into the body of the bee venom. It is characterized by a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes metabolic processes.
  9. The hyperthermia. Psoriatic tissue heat pads with thermal compound to a temperature of 40 degrees. The treatment helps to improve the immune system, reduce the negative impact of the disease on the skin.

Diet for psoriasis

Allowed foods in the exacerbation of psoriasis are:

  • fruits (apples, apricots, peaches);
  • fruit juices;
  • vegetables (beets, potatoes, radish, watermelon, pumpkin);
  • the green;
  • fruits of the forest (all but red);
  • lean meats (beef, veal, Turkey, rabbit) – up to 200 grams per day;
  • any nuts;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products, cheese and cheese;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • algae.

Patients with psoriasis can not eat:

  • smoked food;
  • red fish;
  • animal fats;
  • eggs;
  • the pork and duck meat;
  • muffin.

Forbidden to drink coffee, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to limit the consumption of sugar. To cleanse the body twice a week is recommended fasting days – vegetables, Apple, or kefir.